
This personal blog is a portal through which I do my best deep soul snorkeling, about design to relationships, to life.

Reflections of 2020: Being

January 24, 2021
What a year. While 2012 was predicted to be the year that changed everything, I think they might have reversed the second two numbers. It was a strange year for everyone - from COVID …

An Aussie Year

September 27, 2020
Remarkably, I hit the one-year mark in Australia earlier this month. It's been a crazy year - nothing anyone would have imagined - but still flew by. Throughout the year, I kept documenting small …

“Where are you from?”

September 19, 2020
"No, really, where are you from?" (In Australia this has become "what is your background?") The number of times I've been asked this question is definitely more than the number of times i've been …

Lessons Learned: The 5 Year Mark

July 18, 2020
This past Monday marked the 5-year mark of working in the design industry. While seemingly a small milestone, I thought I would take this time to reflect on some of the professional lessons I've …

Sundance Film Festival 2019

June 28, 2020
Every year, I've been trying to find an experience I've always wanted to have and cross it off the bucket list. For 2020, it was the Literature Festival, for 2019 it was going to …

Beginner’s Guide to Nesting

May 4, 2020
A friend recently asked me for advice on how to arrange a new apartment. I've gotten similar sentiments from different friends over the years and thought I'd organize my thoughts a bit around the …

Reflections on India

April 13, 2020
I grew up coming to India, almost every year ranging to every couple of years. And each time I came, it seemed consistent. We would stay at my Nani (grandmothers) house and visit a …

Jaipur Literature Festival 2020

March 23, 2020
One silver lining of the quarantine is that you finally get around to doing the things you've been wanting to do for a while. For me, it's writing. This year, I had the chance …

What is “home”?

February 12, 2020
A sense of home is tied to so many different things. From your cultural or ethnic origin to where you physically live to who you surround yourself with. My understanding of what "home" means …

Moving Continents – Part II

February 9, 2020
I've hit the almost 6-month mark of living in Sydney. Insane. Recently, a friend asked me how has living in Sydney has changed me or anything significant I've learned. I thought I would take …

I acknowledge and pay respect to the Traditional Custodians on whose land I live, play, and work. I pay my deepest respects to all Indigenous Elders past, present and emerging.

© Jun 2024 Vinita Israni
No programmers were harmed in the making of this website 

Questions, criticism, and gibberish are always appreciated.
