
This personal blog is a portal through which I do my best deep soul snorkeling, about design to relationships, to life.

Reflections of 2019: Acceptance

December 31, 2019
2019 was the year of acceptance for me. From accepting that I can't be everywhere all the time to accepting the bugs that may or may not crawl into my bed at night. It's …

How a place changes the way you think

December 21, 2019
The nature vs. nurture battle has been ongoing for centuries.  I started thinking about this early last year after going to CNU26 (Congress for New Urbanism) in relationship to how humans can better construct …

Moving Continents

October 13, 2019
I've now been in Sydney a little over a month and gotten a lot of questions as to why I've moved here and what cause this major life change. Through feeling homesick as well …


September 29, 2019
I had a friend recently call me up and ask me advice for negotiations and thought I'd solidify some of what I said into a blog post! This is by no means set in …

A love letter to California

August 31, 2019
Dear Calfornia, As you know, we've had a love / hate relationship for a long time. When I first met you, there was a kind of infatuation. I thought that life with you was …

The Travel Bug #nomorecountrycounts

August 15, 2019
I'm sure that you love to travel. You probably have a list of cities and places you've been to, and another list detailing all the place you want to go to in your lifetime. …

Wedding Season

July 27, 2019
It's been a lot of weddings this year and I've made some observations in the last couple months that I wanted to capture. It's a celebration of the people they have become up to …


June 13, 2019
Every time I come back from a trip, I am bursting with travel ideas and advice. This entry is a little all over the place, but take what pertains to your flavor of traveling! …


June 12, 2019
These are some musings I've been having of late as I've met quite a variety of people through bhangra, improv, and other classes. The central question: What does it mean to be intelligent? I've …

Stick to your stickies

June 11, 2019
This piece has been edited from a Toastmasters speech that I wrote. What do you see?A square right. Let’s give this square a bit more power.And it becomes a cube. And you know what …

I acknowledge and pay respect to the Traditional Custodians on whose land I live, play, and work. I pay my deepest respects to all Indigenous Elders past, present and emerging.

© Jun 2024 Vinita Israni
No programmers were harmed in the making of this website 

Questions, criticism, and gibberish are always appreciated.
