It's been a year with lots of ups and downs and ins and outs. I started a new job, moved to a new place, and spent a lot of time traveling.
The year started off with a bang (and not the good kind) when I got into a large car accident. Thankfully I am alive and well and no one was seriously injured except for my little car. I spent the first couple of months recovering from that as well as attempting to figure out what was my next step at GE.
I decided to take a new position at GE Aviation, which involved leaving the Leadership Program, transferring to a new business, and inheriting a lot more responsibility. My main goal into going into Aviation was to be in a customer-facing role where I'm quickly iterating and diving into a domain-specific field. I wanted to be stretched a little more and that's definitely what I got. In the 8 months since I've had this position, I've traveled literally around the world. I've met people, seen sights, and eaten things that I would have never had a chance to experience otherwise.
However, with all this travel also comes a healthy amount of chaos. Being home 3 weeks in about 3 months takes it's toll on one's body and mental capacity. I missed a lot of things that I wish I had been there for and lost a routine that is essential to my productivity.
Thus, the next year is focused on getting back "control" (for lack of a better term). Alongside a friend, we did a re-evaluation of my short-term and long-term states, goals, and concerns both personally and professionally. While I set pretty lofty goals last year (which I don't know how I thought were achievable), I'm putting into play certain planned events per month (planned out by week of course) that will help me regain a routine, stability, and productivity.
Thus, presenting my goals for 2017:
- A trip for myself, by myself for at least a weekend.
- Mindfulness of my health.This means going to the doctor when I'm sick, working out, 10 minutes of attempted meditation in the morning, doing my dental hygiene routine every night, and a monthly massage or facial.
- Less devotion to tech. This means deactiviation of my Facebook until I feel more in control, ordering an analog clock so I don't look at my phone in the morning, checking my email and phone only 3 times a day
- Picking activities according to 4 categories.
Intellectual Stimulation (philosophical discourses with friends, reading for 30 minutes every night, exploring with my camera, and writing)
Craft / Flow (woodworking classes, editing my huge backlog of photos, general making projects I like to do)
Culture (going to events such as the ballet or orchestra, meaningful meet-ups, volunteering)
Fun* (trapeze lessons, ski-ing, boxing classes, archery lessons)
*side note: when I was talking about these activities before categorizing them, my friend had to redefine the word fun for me. #workaholic
- Mentor Hunt. I've been on the hunt for a mentor / sponsor in the last couple of months and while I've met some wonderful people I haven't decidedly asked anyone formally.
- Involvement in the design community. I'm currently helping a colleague with a conference he is running. I've created deeper relationships with that rather than trying to go to design meet-ups all the time. Thus, I'm going to attempt to either volunteer my time more for a specific meet-up / conference
- Interpersonal skills. I started Toastmasters a couple weeks ago but would like to continue more social activities in order to become a better speaker.
- GE-Specific Initiatives. Finding funding for a conference, etiquette courses, Crotonville, presentation courses.
- Portfolio. It's in shambles.
All of these initiatives come from three basic questions and two quotes by friends:
- How does one build up confidence again?
- How does one gain more satisfaction for the phase of life you're in in?
- Are you trying to save the world or enjoy the world?
- "Positivity is the best advice I can share to you. The hard part is not getting triggered by those who aren't."
- "Go for simplicity. You want to test the limits of your emotional tools. You struggle to toughen yourself up."
More elegant investment-oriented furniture
Discounts on car rentals
Experiences in over 9 new cities
Lots of travel points for hotel and airlines
More married / engaged friends
Some experience cooking*
More photographs I have yet to edit
A slightly better understanding of what it means to "adult"*
A partner
Closer friendships (old and new)
A beautiful ring
GE friends that have left
Patience to control my temper
A car
Any shame about my bowling skills (although I still suck)
The wifey as a wifey
Some amount of hair since started laser treatments*
Clothes donated to Goodwill
Some amount of faith in God
Tolerance for staring at screens
Here's to a healthier and happier year!
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