Innocence and Magic

9 February 2014
2 min read


I don't know why I feel so strongly about this but this video really pulled at my heart strings. Not because she's a cute little asian girl who is discovering rain for the first time (although yes I am a sucker for that as well) but because we can all relate to this experience, even though most of us can't remember it.

As a designer, creating interfaces and experiences in the digital age, this video is beautiful because technology has enabled this moment to be captured and shared with millions of people. The public gets to share in the discovery of rain with this little girl. There is a beauty in this connectivity- how would this have been possible 50 years ago? How would this be different 50 years ago? How were moments shared then? How many moments were shared then? Does that mean that our moments now are less momentous? Less epic?

And while this sharing is wonderful, what does it mean in the end? What are we thinking as we walk away from this that we will actually apply in our lives?

On another level, it makes me think about how we recreate this experience for humans. How can we establish the same kind of admiration and nostalgia created by this video for viewers in everything we do? There is a feeling of happiness tied to what we experience- how can we create happy experiences? How do we create wonderment in an age where nothing amazes us?

And like this little girl, how do we keep coming back for more? How do we crave these experiences and dwell in them? How do we learn from them? How do we interact with other things differently after experiencing "rain"? How do we get excited and passionate about "rain"?

No one wants to be the doggie running through the rain unbothered.

Tagged: gradlife

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I acknowledge and pay respect to the Traditional Custodians on whose land I live, play, and work. I pay my deepest respects to all Indigenous Elders past, present and emerging.

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